Students League NS
The Nationalsozialistische Schulerbund or NS was one of the first organizations established to inculcate the values and the Nazi doctrine among schools, training the young students early on in the Nazi movement for their future recruitment into the military organizations of the state, was one of the first organizations formed the basis for what would be the recruitment to the HJ (Hitler Youth), the originally admitted Hitlerjugend only men, but since 1928, also admitted the girls, in an organization separated in 1930 became known as the Bund Deutscher Maedel (League of German Girls; BDM).
Baldur von Schirach born in Berlin on March 9, 1907. At the age of ten he became member of the German Youth League, where he developed racist ideas and in 1925 joined the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP).
In 1926 she met Adolf Hitler Schirach, who fell for him and advised him to move to Munich. Three years later Hitler appointed Schirach as head of the National Socialist Students Union. "Satisfied with his work Hitler promoted him to the post of youth leader of the Reich of the Nazi Party and in 1933 assumed leadership of the Hitler Youth.
Schirach wrote sentences that praised Hitler and had to be read by members of various Nazi youth organizations before they had their meals. He also wrote a book explaining his views on Hitler Youth movement, Revolution in Education (1938).
Schirach in 1940 joined the German army and won the Iron Cross in France. That same year, Hitler appointed him as the Gauleiter of Vienna.
In 1931, Baldur von Schirach was appointed Youth Leader of the Reich (Reichsjugendfuehrer) within the Nazi movement. Schirach had as its immediate objective the adoption of the various youth organizations in the game under a single authority, which included, in addition to the BDM, NS-Schulerbund (Nazi Student League) and the Deutsches Jungvolk (German Young Folk), young inducing youngsters from the age of ten years. Schirach achieving his goal when he was appointed Jugendfuehrer des Deutschen Reiches (Youth Leader of the Reich), in June 1933.
Schirach The chart was prepared by a military pattern, with the participation of squads, platoons, etc.. organizational form for the doctrine in the NS-Schulerbund derived from the ideology of Hitler, in which the younger generation represented the labor reserve to ensure the continued existence of the "Thousand Year Reich." Therefore, the Nazi doctrine Hitler teaching is based on anti-intellectualism, and a preference for body-building at the expense of mental health and intellectual development of the individual. One of the guiding principles of Nazi education was to keep young people in constant action and constantly encourage them to activism. This was the system he was subjected to a child from the moment he entered the schule (college, school) NS-Schulerbund program, then in the HJ until he became a soldier or a citizen of the new Third Reich.
The NS / Schulerbund, had among its regular program of teaching the admiration and loyalty that every child should feel for the German fuhrer, conditioning children to be faithful and give his life for the fuhrer first to the mother country, besides being subjected to stringent medical checks, and a lecture about their hypothetical common Aryan origins. The Third Reich
control education to all its pleasure, instruction was spartan, political and martial. There compulsory labor service and then military service. The idea was to take the youth, children from an early age and doctrines at all cost.
all schools were Nazified. My fight was declared the official organ of education., While the Jews were forbidden to teach.
The Reich Minister of Education appointed the principals and teachers which could only be Aryans, Germans clean and not be married to Jews. It distorted the history and science are taught racist. 6 to 10 years, children had to do an apprenticeship for his subsequent entry into the Hitler Youth.
At 10, after passing athletic exercises, practices and history Nazified camp, went to the youth where they swore allegiance to the Fuehrer to give his life for him.
At 14 years have entered the youth itself, up to 18 years. Then came the service work and the military. There was a vast organization. Also for the girls. They had uniforms, gave them instructions and where marches were indoctrinated. Women should be healthy mothers healthy children alike.
Some Examples Of His Teaching As an example you have this song that made him sing to children in school.
"Adolf Hitler ist unser Retter,
unser Held.
vortrefflichste Er ist das Sein in der Welt des Ganzen Breiten.
wir leben Für Hitler, Hitler
sterben wir für ..."
"Adolf Hitler our savior, our hero.
is the noblest being in the world.
live by Hitler.
We die for Hitler. .. "
And here are some pictures at the time of interpretation.
the background reads:" Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer "(One People, One Empire , one Fuehrer).
the background reads: "Und morgen, die ganze Welt" (And tomorrow, the world)
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