The new building is already much further. Most of the walls have reached their official height and in the next few days, the walls really are all complete. I'm curious when the roof is up. The building is the way, 7x8 feet tall and includes 4 new rooms: a kitchen, a dining room, a new room for the children and a kind of storage room.
I have now finally also new challenges. Once at the university now has an eternity doing nothing, I'm going once or twice a week in a school and help with English lessons, especially in the debate. I also held my first lesson today in the German classroom IIWC office. From now on I will hopefully every Friday the Indonesian volunteers teaching German.
And there's another new item on my schedule. As of now, there are namely Indonesischunterricht for all volunteers who live in Semarang (Yay, lucky!). Yesterday he was held for the first time and it's really helpful last question relating to grammar can make etc, what one usually does so elsewhere.
are the next pictures of the new house:
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