spent the rest of the day we digest and then the next week went through the anticipation of the upcoming visit as well as in flight. But before he arrived at last it was again stressful ...
On Saturday night at 9.30am the plane should land in Semarang, but first I had some before. At noon I was Namely been asked by my organization to attend a school where English Club, which would have been really very nice, I did not have to constantly look at the clock to see un, if I would have time to create Warung the surprise farewell party I had organized for Matsu to prepare. We were for-Indonesian relations amazing and I was ready on time, even went to Warung ims. But then begeann the wait ... 16:30
order should aim for my friends to help build and around 17.00 I had ordered Matsu to the orphanage to him then "spontaneously" to Essen, Germany. Hmm, yes, that was the plan. In fact my only joy came at 18:00 of the warung and Matsu was exceptionally punctual at 17.00h in the orphanage. 50 SMS later and 10 pounds lighter welding are finally all arrived together at 18:00 in Warung and the surprise was a success but still more or less ... puhhh.
The evening was really nice and later we will have together picked up my father from the airport - too late of course mandatory 5 minutes (which in Indonesia actually still a quarter of an hour is too early ^ ^)!
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