Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Best Rollerblade For The Sidewalk


to Surabaya on Saturday it was time ... the roof was on and it could finally be celebrated! After all was over cooked in the orphanage tomorrow diligently, could start in the afternoon the party with people from the village, members of my organization IIWC and other volunteers. It held the usual Indonesian speeches They waited more or less patiently for all the talk unwatchable slowly read, even the spontaneous Paper presented to me (5 minutes after the start I was told: "Anna, you have to say necessarily what is ok ... in 10 minutes?" - My response: "... aehhmm, clearly not a problem" I thought, '! divorce ... what am I supposed to suck because now the fingers, I will not talk, but eat-eat ") about indulge survived, even prayer, and ultimately could come with enthusiasm on the buffet. Yummy! The many young cooks had outdone themselves and considering the kitchen was cooked in it is twice as impressive. Then I ask myself how tasty it is only when moved into the new building is?

spent the rest of the day we digest and then the next week went through the anticipation of the upcoming visit as well as in flight. But before he arrived at last it was again stressful ...
On Saturday night at 9.30am the plane should land in Semarang, but first I had some before. At noon I was Namely been asked by my organization to attend a school where English Club, which would have been really very nice, I did not have to constantly look at the clock to see un, if I would have time to create Warung the surprise farewell party I had organized for Matsu to prepare. We were for-Indonesian relations amazing and I was ready on time, even went to Warung ims. But then begeann the wait ... 16:30
order should aim for my friends to help build and around 17.00 I had ordered Matsu to the orphanage to him then "spontaneously" to Essen, Germany. Hmm, yes, that was the plan. In fact my only joy came at 18:00 of the warung and Matsu was exceptionally punctual at 17.00h in the orphanage. 50 SMS later and 10 pounds lighter welding are finally all arrived together at 18:00 in Warung and the surprise was a success but still more or less ... puhhh.
The evening was really nice and later we will have together picked up my father from the airport - too late of course mandatory 5 minutes (which in Indonesia actually still a quarter of an hour is too early ^ ^)!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spandex Camel Toe Vollyball


reports ... but before I assume I must confess that I did. Although one of my recent entries have told them that it would never happen, I ate my first fried Grasshuepfer last week! And he did not even taste that bad. Otherwise, there were not seen many culinary news, with one exception. I know that food is cheap in Indonesia, but you rice with coconut tofu sauce with a hot tea for only Rp 1.500 (10cent) gets so myself I do not expect. Even the Indonesians were amazed when they saw the bill. Nja in any case, I now have a new Lieblingswarung, tasted because it has also great!
But even this ingenious price / performance ratio just could not stop them to go at the invitation of my organization IIWC for 3 days from Surabaya to present at a trade show IIWC.
And so it was then that I saw me off at around 12:00 Tuesday lunch in an Indonesian economy bus. The trip started rather uneventfully, and up to about 30 degree temperatures in the absence of air conditioning, the fact that I had forgotten my water, and the constantly rising and falling dealers and musicians. But that's now been normal for me. What was not normal, however, the Indonesian president, which it invaded in just one of the cities that we could pass on our journey to visit - which meant a wait of 45 minutes before a police barrier. Well, I was just gracious about to overlook this incident because you can not plan something, of course, when the next blow came.
It happened during an overtaking. Our bus driver (typical Indonesian constantly on queue jumping and honking) wanted to overtake another bus behind a truck. As the bus in front of us, however einschehrte, we were suddenly confronted with an oncoming bus, so our bus drove back braking back to his old place. This Space was already occupied by a moped driver who rammed our bus now. Of course this is no reason for our bus driver to stop, but in contrast quickly continue on and push with the usual continue. But even in Indonesia, one can not with all of them, so our bus was stopped after 10 additional minutes by the police and began a new waiting 45 minutes until we were told that we have to switch through the bus, which is also about 20 minutes mean waiting time.
The traffic jam, waiting for us after that, in view of the already taken place almost not worth mentioning, so I can finally say that we arrived around 10.00 clock in the evening in Surabaya (normal travel time 7 hours).
From the city but even I did not see much, because I spent all day at the fair, but the short impression I got on the road from the station to the university (where the fair was held) was quite positive. And finally count the 8 new IIWC members that we have advertised in the 2 days.

At work: for at our booth and preparing the next day

Friday, February 13, 2009

Blueprints For Switchblades


long time, saw my schedule here so right away empty-handed and he was helping only by a single action, such as at exhibitions or a talk about Germany hold spiced etc, but this has now changed fortunately.
- I teach next evening (Sunday-Thursday) at the orphanage English.
- Monday is still the Mondaymeeting.
- Mondays and Thursdays there are 2 hours each Bahasa Indonesia lessons.
- Tuesday (last week Thursday as well) I'm in school and help with the English pronunciation.
- Friday I am now teaching German 13:00 to 15:00.
- Sundays and Tuesdays from now on it will give English lessons for people from the neighborhood of the orphanage.
And in between is helping the children with their homework, blog written and forged plans for the new building, not just when called to a meeting in the office (hot what not to say that I do not enjoy makes 1.5 hours in bus sit to go to the office ...).
So, that was my work progress report. But it was in the last week so there are other interesting incidents ...
After 2 weeks I have missed the snake in my room almost, I have seen meander along its 1.2 m long and about 3cm thick brother the day before a meter from my feet. Comment of the children: "There's snakes are many!"

The new house, or maybe I should write the new extension is to even further within the next week and come up the roof. A topping out ceremony is also planned. The latest photo s (he of ute tomorrow) are here:

Friday, February 6, 2009

I Want A Lavender Wedding Bouquet

new role and new "food "

Let's start with the new "food" (I can not even really be called food) to. This week was Anis (one of the kiddies) busily feed on snacks. Since I did not know what it was and naturally curious about a new Indonesian delicacy (in general, the food here is always super tasty), I have asked about what they eat since then to discover surprised that this is nothing more than ... roasted GRASSHOPPER!! concerns. -I have already tried frog soup and Huehnerfuesse, but the grasshoppers I declined with thanks, because my stomach was full at one time much seeehhhr felt than before - where did that was only ...?

The new building is already much further. Most of the walls have reached their official height and in the next few days, the walls really are all complete. I'm curious when the roof is up. The building is the way, 7x8 feet tall and includes 4 new rooms: a kitchen, a dining room, a new room for the children and a kind of storage room.
I have now finally also new challenges. Once at the university now has an eternity doing nothing, I'm going once or twice a week in a school and help with English lessons, especially in the debate. I also held my first lesson today in the German classroom IIWC office. From now on I will hopefully every Friday the Indonesian volunteers teaching German.
And there's another new item on my schedule. As of now, there are namely Indonesischunterricht for all volunteers who live in Semarang (Yay, lucky!). Yesterday he was held for the first time and it's really helpful last question relating to grammar can make etc, what one usually does so elsewhere.
are the next pictures of the new house: