Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Make Your Own Chapstick

The Red Army Day

On 23 February was the day the Red Army , is here now rather celebrated as Men's Day, since we also have really made all the men in her life, at least one military service. In Belarus, the day is not free, as in Russia.
Beforehand I've been pleased at the greeting cards that are among the flower is also happy to have a tank ready.
On 23 February was even there in the history workshop with a celebration tea, wine, sandwiches, cookies and many other things, homemade from Omis.

As you can see, the share of men is rather low, the women did, however, offset by the fact that they are much told about it, have they met their husbands, so that we listen to young us and we will also yes only good looking men. In between was sung again and again, accompanied by Eugene on the harmonium and then retold. A very moving moment when I realized very quickly that the day is not only a holiday, but also very connected to memories, was as a man of his time in concentration camps said. was

After dinner then sung again and dancing:

taught Over time, the round and then more and more two hours late then hit a Stepan Petrovich I from the German club by now quite well know, he had to mark the occasion extra put on his uniform and had celebrated even by "pioneers", so his mood was good and he then first all again Irina and introduced me (not that they are not already knew;)) and again had to emphasize how well that learning German would be with us and was the knew the others have no idea what they missed.

For me, the day a great experience because I'm from Germany of days for the army or general Holidays for men (although Stepan Petrovich, when we wanted to toast the men stressed that the real heroes are not always the men but the women) so do not know. I also find it nice with the grandmas and grandpas to celebrate and now realize how good I can even bring myself because I always understand everything.


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