Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sports Quotes With Crush

The period around Christmas and New Year's Eve ...

Hi everybody,
it is again at the time that I'm writing and a little bit about my life here reports. It is so much in recent times happened that I do not at all, where to start ... :-)

In December I was still working normally. All, however, were already in a Christmas mood and have really been looking forward to the feast. So I've seen at least at work.

On 6 December then was Nicholas. But probably because we are here in Brazil and here everything is a bit slower, Santa Claus came only on 10 December for the children in the Sala. (I knew nothing of them that day). And so it was that we, on 10 December, not knowing were sitting in a circle and sang Christmas carols and then suddenly very loud knocking at the door. All children were very frightened and were immediately excited. Tia went to the door, opened it, and outside in front of a great-old Nicholas stood with glittering blue cloak and long white beard. Because he was so ur-old, he could of course also move very slowly. He gave Tia a big bag, where it was for each child and for each supervisor a small gift in it. had disappeared (for me too, see photo.) By the time Nicholas again, and the children were allowed back outside, you could everywhere he ran in to see little sparkling stars, which picks up the children full of enthusiasm, a reminder of the Nicholas to have. I found
this meeting also very nice since the kids were so excited and has given them so much. One boy even came to me and showed me how his hand was trembling on. :-)

After 2 weeks, not quite as hard work as it went up to the summer holidays, was already the 23rd December and so our last Integração and already mentioned in my blog soccer game between Monte Azul Horizonte Azul. This game is not as gratifying run, as we lost 9:2 with horizons, but at least I have one of the two gates and the other made himself ready. ;-) So at least it was for me personally not so bad.

Dannach was Christmas. I am on 24 December in the league Solidária (another project here in Sao Paulo) down, there to celebrate with some other friends, parents and volunteers. When I arrived, there was already a full house: three volunteers from the league Solidária, two parents of a friend, a weiterne friend who is currently living in Peru for a year and over Christmas and New Year's Eve in Brazil, two volunteers from Florianopolis (south of Brazil) and three other volunteers, I knew by then at all. Total of 12 people and little space. ;-)

On Christmas Eve we all eat together and even sang a Christmas song before. Real Christmas spirit was indeed not occur because it is outside were still 25 degrees, but it was still a very nice Christmas. After the meal we have not played a game Imp. Everyone should bring a gift, then was rolled, played a variety of actions and at the end of each stand had a different gift to himself. I came out with a pack of cheese crackers and a Männerdeo from the Gnome round and true VERY happy. ;-) (At this point a little greeting from Heiko.)

After Christmas Eve I am until 27 December remained in the league, and I also enjoyed Solidária with the others, the holidays. Then we have (Anna-Lena (Peru), Anne-Sophie (Solidária League) and I) are on 27 December evening set on the bus and are drove 18 hours to Foz do Iguaçu. Once there we went to the hostel there and met another volunteer (Vera) from the league Solidária, who had previously spent Christmas in Argentina. After a brief dip in the pool we went along with Anne-Sophie's parents, who flew to Iguazu eat gone. The next day we then looked at the world famous waterfalls there. First, in the morning, then on the Brazilian and Argentinean side back in the afternoon on. You can walk properly in some places close to the waterfalls at it and it is impressive, what is going on there for a spectacle of nature. This tour has really paid off for me and I am glad that I did in my time here in Brazil there stop by again. There are not the highest, but it's widest waterfalls in the world. I hang a few pictures to turn this blog entry. :-) The second night in Iguazu, we no longer spent in the hostel, but a couch surfer lived, who had a very bonziges house. He was super nice and made us the next day even accompanied to the bus.

Then we took the bus it and follow it down to the same bus again and drove for a change in the bus. A total of exactly 24 hours long. And since the bus anyway I can not sleep very well, I had the time yet again for more. Well ... On 31 December at 12 noon clock we (Anna-Lena, Anne-Sophie, Vera and I) finally arrived: In Rio de Janeiro. Once there, we have
us again ensconced in the couch surfers, who has already taken us so well last time. If you no longer know as precisely as it looked there, can you please add it to my blog entry of 16 Read in October 2010. Of course, we have once lived in his house on the island. In the evening we went to Copacabana to celebrate New Year's Eve. On the beach, three stages were set up, which occurred on some bands. The beach I filled more and it was at the end probably about 2.5 million people spent the New Year. The majority of them was completely white dressed as symbolizing peace. At 12 clock there was a very beautiful and impressive fireworks over the water. We stayed until about 6 or 7 clock in the morning and left us exhausted into bed (or on the couch) are thrown.

On 1 January of the new year, was then not much motivation there to make too much. But on 2 again. Morning we went together with Anne-Sophie's parents went to a market where you could buy a lot of great things. For example, chains, T-shirts, paintings, etc. After that we are again only four went to the Christ statue on the mountain. That was not very encouraging, as it crowded with tourists , but the view from up there is really terrific. Unfortunately the weather was not ideal and it has been raining a bit at first.

On 3 January, we are then moved back to Sao Paulo and will have again spent a few days.
I now have until 24 January holiday and then my right dannach intermediate seminar in Botucatu. Until then, I'm going well now for several days with Heiko to the beach and then I will of 13 to 22 January Anna-Lena visit in Peru that are already on 6 is flown back. Furthermore, it will probably give again a new blog entry. :-)

Greetings to all who stayed at home ...
your Christian

Nicholas gift

Iguaçu (Argentina side)

front waterfall


Brazilian side

Our group

The Couch Surfer

Rio from above

Cristo statue


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