I have ventured into the lion's den ... and have defeated him! I just got my 'sword', which has the external form of a car, but almost exclusively in the interior of cables and a non-functioning speedometer is populated, has. The Lion, the Semarang city at 11.00 clock in the morning, had to be on a crusade of the first driving lesson forced to give my life.
I've logged on here last week namely in a driving school at the fine art of driving on the streets of a major Indonesian city to learn. And all too stupid I've apparently not hired me because my driving instructor: can (quote ". You need have no fear, while others have a brake") after a half hour drive through the city. I can reassure you, however, all the trees are still standing and the car is also remained intact (in other words ... not broken than before). I am in any case become clear that driving really fun (especially for the price of 30 € for 10 driving lessons ... in Germany you pay for the hour). Wednesday Hokage Driving Under the direction
Otherwise there is not much new, my new project is going well and makes me much more fun than the last. A little bit of work one probably (8 hours per week, which is at least twice as much as in Fatimatuzzahro) but I have in the past week there 2 times played basketball with the Cadets, and once took part in dancing. In addition, I teach German in UNDIP further, but to really do much there is still not working. But hopefully that will change soon, as I do when the driving lessons are through, probably can teach in the morning ... but until then I will continue to make the streets unsafe Semarang!
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