takes the form of new buildings and one can imagine how slow it later (nja now it would not be long hopefully) look like. The new bathroom (photo No. 4) is already finished and tiled the floor (Photo # 3) and the kitchen was started yesterday. Also came yesterday, a canopy (photo 1 +2) to do so.
The walls are plastered and have to be even now just deleted ... which I am particularly am. I'm superior to it all the time at which color would be best fit-hmm, maybe yellow? Let's see, still is not even finished tiles.
Otherwise there is not much new. The classes will continue as normal. The only thing that falls out of line, is the Middle-evaluation, which will go from Monday to Friday. There, all projects and any problems encountered are discussed. Moreover, in addition to the volunteers also take REPRESENATIVES projects participating. I am looking forward to it definitely, because we determined it interesting times now people from other projects to know, since I, for example. from the Pekalongan volunteers once a month and see what actually not so much about whose employment is so white. Moreover, it is always a nice eye-opener if you have a few days not in the orphanage was and then suddenly sees the progress in construction ...
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