Guayaquil National Socialism

Guayaquil Natinalsozialismus for us young with German / Austrian roots, born here in Guayaquil-Ecuador National Socialism is a radical anti-Semitic, anti-Communist and anti-democratic ideology and political movement. It was created after World War II in Germany. His National Socialist German Workers in the Party (NSDAP) under Adolf Hitler organized supporters came to power in 1933 and transformed the German Empire from 1933 to 1945 in a totalitarian state leaders. "
Guayaquil National Socialism is reunited with the young Austro-German roots born in this city, our thinking is radical anti-Semitic, anti-communist and anti-democratic ideology of the political movement.
was created after the First World War in Germany. His National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) was the subject of fans organized Adolf Hitler to power in 1933 and became the German Empire from 1933 to 1945 in a state of totalitarian leader.
Adolf Hitler
Born in Braunau (Austria 1889), son of a customs officer attended a technical school in Linz until the death of his father, he moved to Vienna, where he tried to be admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts but was rejected, and worked as a live help decorator, even influences K. Lueger anti-Semitic and nationalist ideology affects his ideas. In 1912 went it to Monaco, where he worked as a construction worker, in '14 he was accepted in a Bavarian unit during the First World War, where he was wounded. Hitler, like many German made the military defeat of the Marxists and Jews. Perhaps it was this, that he enter politics to try, made from the impositions of Versailles and take revenge on the "internal enemies" Germania.Nel September '19, the German Workers' Party in the following year, the National Party German Workers' Party, which was the absolute peak, changing the line of the policy of the government that the passive resistance to French occupation of the Ruhr area (heavily industrialized area of Germany, and therefore of vital importance to the economic Rest in contrast left) prompted him to organize in '24 putchar the Ludendorff Monaco (coup), but failed. Hitler was sentenced to five years after a few months in prison but was released during the months of captivity had time thousands of Mein Kampf (My Struggle), the ideas of anti-Semitism, racism and the superiority of writing of the Aryan race expressed. Once released from prison she thought of the reorganization of the party with the founding of the SA (storm departments shock troops) and SS (protective relays, team defense) used for domestic political battle. In those years the social and economic crisis and the resulting resultierenden Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit in den Wahlen zugelassen Hitler vor dem Reichstag (Parlament), die beeindruckende Zahl von sechs Millionen Stimmen zu erreichen. Unmittelbar Vereinbarungen mit den Deutschen und mit der Nationalen Front Harzburg, drückte den Kommunismus und die parlamentarischen Institutionen des Staates zu bekämpfen, in der Praxis verwendet der SA und der SS Operationen wie in Trupps. Dennoch, in '32 gewann die Wahl, 30. Januar del'33 Kanzler ernannt wurde im März und habe alle Vollmachten, die ihn an alle demokratischen Freiheiten zu beseitigen erlaubt, und erstellen Sie dann eine persönliche Diktatur und Party. In der Nacht des 30. Juni von '34 (Die Nacht der langen Messer ") H. habe einige kleinere extremistischen SA eliminate their leader, including E. Rohm, guilty, made a considered excessive autonomy, and by the generals who remained loyal to National Socialism from now unpopular. On 2 August, thanks to a law approved by the Cabinet the post of president and chancellor of the Empire were fused. The Fuher was the absolute leader of the state was confirmed (including by the referendum of 19 August), we could devote to the creation and affirmation of the Aryan race in Europe and the destruction of all nations and peoples as inferior, leading to outbreak of World War II (September '39), appointed himself Supreme Commander of the Army in '41, but his excessive ambition made him commit serious errors than at Stalingrad (where not permitted, to the Sixth Army, 300,000 strong, retreat, which was forced to give up), they have to change during the war. Discontent is growing, it more and more defeats against the Nazi leaders (the father only by the military, the population was still disappointed the skill of the Goebbels propaganda), so that March 13th of '43 was the victim of an attack by Fabian of Schlabrendorff, in '44 there was a conspiracy by some senior officers of the armed forces organized, but the attack was not the desired effect. Hitler survived and he killed all Conspirators, he retired to Berlin by the continuing advance of the enemy, where he probably committed suicide, died in his bunker when the Russians entered the city now, 30 '45.
Alberto Bruckmann Briehl

Alberto Bruckmann Breihl
Combatiente Guayaquil in World War II, died April 20, 1944 on the eastern front. A glory for his country.

Grossdeutsche Reich Krieg Fahne
1938 - 1945
War Flag 1938 - 1945
kolonial Guayaquil Schild In der
Kolonialzeit, als die Stadt unter die Herrschaft Spaniens Diego de Urbina Kapitän, auf seine eigene Erfindung, ein Schild entwarf für die Stadt Guayaquil, the bonds of brotherhood between introducing his home town and wanted to immortalize line in the same coat of arms to the memory of his memorable feat, after the city was rebuilt in 1541 and reached the final consolidation of the same. This sign is born very similar to similar weapons in the city of Orduña, Spain, where Urbina was.
Adolf Hitler Speech (1932)
Adolf Hitler speech to the German youth
Adolf Hitler speech ( Sieg Heil ... )
Adolf Hitler ". A masterful and fearless youth I want"
My education is hard. The weak must be weggehämmert. In my Ordensburgen will grow a youth, in which the world is frightening. A violent, domineering, fearless, cruel youth I will. Youth must be all that. Pain must endure. There must be nothing weak and tender to her. The free, splendid beast of prey must be back again flash from her eyes. Stark and beautiful, I want my youth. I will be trained in all bodily exercises. I want an athletic youth. This is the first and foremost. I do not want intellectual education. With the knowledge I spoil my youth. But they must learn to control. You should learn to defeat me in the most difficult samples, the fear of death. "
Adolf Hitler."
Adolf Hitler: "Yo quiero un joven y valiente magistral."
"Mi educación Difícil it. The weak should be omitted. In my order a young man who grows up before the world is alarming. A young violent, dominant, courageous and cruel youth, I will. Youth must be all that. Must bear the pain. It should not be weak or tender with her. A beast free, magnificent predator must have a flash in his eyes. I want this strong and graceful youth. Will be trained for all exercises. I want an athletic Joventud this is the most important thing. I do not want an intellectual education with the knowledge to spoil my youth. But they should learn self-control. Will have to learn to defeat my most difficult obstacles, the fear of death. "Adolf Hitler
" ..
about the education of youth
"Then comes the German youth, and we train already quite small for this new state. These youth, who learns to think anything other than German, German act. And when these boys and girls with their ten years get into our organizations and there are now as so often for the first time get even a breath of fresh air and feel, they come four years later by the young people into the Hitler Youth and there we keep them again four years, and then give it back and certainly not in the hands of our old classes and stand-producers, but we take it away again in the Party and the Labor Front, the SA or the SS, in the NSKK etc. And if they are there for three years and a half years and should have become not all National Socialists, then they come into the labor service, and are back in sixth and seventh months ground, all with a symbol, the German spades. And what then after six or seven months ahead of class consciousness and snobbery here or there should be fitted which will then take the armed forces for further treatment for two years. And when they return after two or three or four years, then we take them so they have a relapse in any case, once again in SA, SS, etc., and they are not free her whole life. " Adolf Hitler
About the education of youth
"Then comes the German youth, and trains and too small for this new state. These young people who learn to think about anything other than German, German act. And when these children with their ten years into our bodies and there are now as so often for the first time get all the fresh air and feel, come four years later by youth in the Hitler Youth and must be kept back four years and then give them a lot less back in the hands of our age classes and producers standing-but then take it back to the Party and the Labour Front, SA or SS, the NSKK etc. And if they are three years or a year and a half there and should have converted all National Socialists then enter the service and will work six to seven months, polished, all with a symbol, German blades. What then after six or seven months before the class consciousness or pride of place here or there should still be present, which then takes over the armed forces to continue treatment for two years. And when they return after two or three or four years, then took them to fall in any case, once again in SA SS, etc, and they are not free all his life. "Adolf Hitler