After the trips to the hospital after I had, it was time for a volunteer trip. The goal: Mt Bromo ... one of the many active volcanoes on Java and famous for a great sunrise. To see this, I have 4 friends with me Friday night in the car is set to ride the sunrise stuendiger after 12 to miss by 1.5 hours, shit happens! But it has paid off anyway. While three of our group join in a tour, have Sairozi and I decided to climb the volcano alone and on foot. And after an astounding 2 hours we had it actually been done to the summit and were able to enjoy a view atemberaumbende (unfortunately without a sunrise, but still spectacular). From the huge crater and clouds of steam rose to around one could see other mountain peaks. In addition, there is a small temple at the foot of the crater. The way back to the car we have moved back to the backs of two ponies and about 12 clock at noon it was already back to Semarang.
a brief stop, we still placed in Surabaya at the scene of one of the unfortunately rather frequent man-made disasters here to watch in Indonesia. For wells were discovered a vein of volcanic mud (what exactly do I itself is not Daich the Indonesian policy, I unfortunately do not understand completely), after which the mass began to swell from the ground and buried entire neighborhoods among themselves. Where once houses, schools and mosques were, you can see now just a big, dirty sea of mud, from which a few Haeuserdaecher r lookouts
After we were then broken up again, it went to the last 9 hours of driving that separated me from my bed awaited. This should get me on Sunday morning uebergluecklich by 3 clock!
The joy was short lived as I should soon expect a very different kind of problem. The next morning I went not knowing namely to the ATM to withdraw money, as there were in my purse after Bromoausflug after only 6 €. After having the right! (I have extra-examined again) PIN entered 3 times at various ATMs had, I was told it was closed as a result of an incorrect PIN my card ... WHAT! After a phone call to my bank, I was until Thursday while a new PIN be sent, but the remaining 5 days I then inadvertently kept diet, since even the 30 cents meant for a lunch in the meantime remaining 2 € an excessive investment. Luckily I was able to count on the help of my friends who tell me with food of refinement (have my contacts from my project in PIP provided me with lunch boxes, what super sweet of them was!) Or Mother Nature has helped me in the form of Mangobaeumen, so I came to at least one meal a day. That many people the time and thus is (not because their credit card works, but because they really have no money for food) and they not like me helps is really frightening. What is almost as frightening, however, that one is, if you're not a problem with the VISA card has almost no reason how such a thing.